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you are allowed to shine.

Updated: Jan 4

Thanks for stopping by!

So... Welcome to 2020 and to my first ever post on my blog!

Creating this website has given me an opportunity to reflect on lots of things that I have achieved over the past few years and has reminded me of the importance of allowing yourself to shine.

We spend so much of our lives hiding away from the world, each other and ourselves. We bat compliments away and we feel that being proud of our acheivements is "bragging".

What would it be like for you to start acknowledging not only your perceived flaws or the things that aren't going so well in your life, but to start paying attention to the things that go well, the love that you receive and the things you are proud of?

Next time you are given a compliment, what would it be like to say "thank you" rather than immediately batting it away into the ether?

Next time you overcome a challenge at work, or help someone, or learn something, or notice that something that has given you happiness, what would it be like to talk about yourself freely and share your knowledge and acheivements, without fear of judgement?

Stop being afraid to shine brightly.

By giving yourself permission to sparkle, you give others permission to do the same.

What is currently making you happy? What are you proud of? Stuff to ponder on this cosy Sunday!

See you on the mat soon!

Catherine xx

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